Persistency and Performance Guarantees

From MemCP
Revision as of 17:06, 17 May 2024 by Carli (talk | contribs) (Created page with "MemCP gives the user several Guarantees for persistency and performance. These are the guarantees: == Persistency Guarantees == There are three persistency modes per table which are: * ENGINE = memory * ENGINE = sloppy * ENGINE = logged * ENGINE = safe === ENGINE = memory === * all data is held in memory and only in memory * in case of a crash, all data is gone * the schema is saved on disk * after a recovery, the table starts empty * fastest way to store data * use...")
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MemCP gives the user several Guarantees for persistency and performance. These are the guarantees:

Persistency Guarantees

There are three persistency modes per table which are:

  • ENGINE = memory
  • ENGINE = sloppy
  • ENGINE = logged
  • ENGINE = safe

ENGINE = memory

  • all data is held in memory and only in memory
  • in case of a crash, all data is gone
  • the schema is saved on disk
  • after a recovery, the table starts empty
  • fastest way to store data
  • use it for session data, observer handles, caches and other data that can be recreated by the software

ENGINE = sloppy

  • all data is held in memory
  • the main storage is mirrored on disk
  • the delta storage is RAM-only
  • a main storage rebuild is triggered every 15 minutes, so data older than 15 minutes are guaranteed to be persistent
  • in case of a crash, the delta storage is gone, the main storage is recovered
  • after a recovery, some datasets or deletions that happend in the last 15 minutes before the crash may be gone
  • extremely fast way to store data
  • use it for frequently updated tables with unimportand data like usage statistics or sensor data

ENGINE = logged

  • all data is held in memory
  • the main storage is mirrored on disk
  • changes to the delta storage are logged on disk files
  • an operation succeeds even if data is not synced to disk permanently yet
  • in case of a crash, data might be recovered
    • in case of a crash of the process, all data will be recovered
    • in case of a power outage or kernel crash, data might be lost
  • allows buffering of the log file in return for the risk of data loss
  • use it for data where you need a high update performance but cannot afford losing the last 15 minutes of your work

ENGINE = safe

  • all data is held in memory
  • the main storage is mirrored on disk
  • changes to the delta storage are logged on disk files
  • an operation only succeeds after the data is synced to disk permanently
  • in case of a crash, all data will be recovered
  • IO bound (limited to ~1,700 write operations per second)
  • use it for accounting data or any data that must not be lost

Performance Guarantees

MemCP guarantees that:

  • Insert/Update without any unique key check or foreign key check will scale over shards
  • Aggregate functions like SUM, AVG will scale perfectly with the amount of CPUs

With these guarantees, you can add more CPU cores whenever you have more data.